Category «Examples»

July 25, 2024

I had to go the pharmacy yesterday to pick up a prescription.  The pharmacy is second to the DMV on my list of things I don’t want to do.  To make it even worse, the weather was hot and extremely humid. During the elevator ride down to the street I decided to make it an …

April 4, 2024

Two things.  The first is that I discovered a way to search an image.  I have been trying to find the artist responsible for a couple of pictures that I caught on TV, in a movie or as a backdrop to one of the talking heads.  An artist neighbor had mentioned searching on an image …

June 15, 2023

I took this picture almost 10 years ago from my apartment.  It is a view looking east and what appears as an inset is actually a reflection off the window of the sunset in the west.  What constitutes the positive moment today is that for one reason or another I found myself absorbed by this …

June 1, 2023

My granddaughter plays on her high school varsity lacrosse team, and they play a semi-final playoff match this afternoon.  If they win this game they will play the team they lost to in last year’s championship; consequently, I am feeling nervous anticipation for her and her team.   I am also excited, can’t wait, looking forward …

May 4, 2023

I am working on a “cousins’ quilt”, where nine of us all contribute a couple of blocks and I put them together and quilt.  We’ve made four quilts so far for other relatives who may need a bit of comfort.  This recent quilt is for a cousin who is also a musician and I wanted …

February 23, 2023

I had to renew a prescription this week and in the process of digitally ordering it from the pharmacy I was informed by the bot that the renewal required my doctor’s approval.  I knew this not to be the case and prepared myself for a lively discussion at the pharmacy.  I got all my documents …

February 2, 2023

I subscribe to four principles of doing good work, any kind of work from the most mundane to the most complicated.  The four principles are: 1) Give your full attention to the work surface, 2) Work for the work’s sake, 3) Use the right tools and 4) Know when it’s time to stop. I confess …

January 19, 2023

Last Friday, I took a picture of the sunset from my kitchen window.  A few minutes later, “R”, my daughter-in-law texted me a couple of pictures she took of the same sunset from the train while crossing the Manhattan Bridge.  At the time, I thought it serendipity.  Then on Monday, gkid “M” sent me a …

December 8, 2022

I had to follow-up my annual wellness check with a visit to the lab for a blood draw.  One of the major impacts of the pandemic here in New York is medical staffing issues, so the medical complex that I go to outsources lab work.  I found the lab nearest my apartment and made an …

July 21, 2022

I had a positive moment hat trick this week.  “M”, my granddaughter, came to visit.  She had just got home the day before from 3 weeks at camp.  She was a buzz with telling us about all the activities.  Situated on the couch between my husband and me, with the iPad on her lap, she …