Beginning SFI-Practice – Lesson 9


Launching Your Practice

It’s time to settle into a daily practice of Steps 1 and 2.

Find out more about how to prepare for the more advanced SfI-Practice. In future instruction, you will learn more about elaborating on your strengths and organizing your elaborated strengths into a positive identity.

Notes on Practice
“This is probably the most important thing you can do to improve your life.” – Jerald
“Having a positive relationship with yourself will pay dividends almost impossible to imagine no matter what your life goals or purpose may be.” – Jennifer
Reflection Question
How can we support your practice?
I am available to meet with you on Zoom or Facetime. Contact me at

Articulating Your Strengths

“The [SfI-] Practice is going to make you a more effective person. […] It’s going to make you better at being your best self.”

Jerald Forster