Advanced SFI-Practice – Lesson 2

Objective: Organize Your Strengths

Pull together all the articulated strengths you have accumulated from doing Step 1 and Step 2. Now it’s time to create a prioritized list of your top ten strengths. This is the foundation for your positive identity.

Notes on Practice
Many methods of strengths assessment use external lists that have been compiled through interviewing large samples of people and then taking averages. The most common strengths among the most people end up on the lists.
However, when a person is articulating their strengths using our method, YOU are the one who is compiling information about YOURSELF. You will hear Jerald say, “self-acceptance is not on many personality tests, but I have discovered how important it is to me,” around minute 7.
Can the averages of average people really tell you who you are? No. Your subjective experience tells you who you are. It takes some work, but your attention and articulation efforts will clarify a closer approximation of who you are according to YOU.
Reflection Question
Compile your articulated strengths from Step 2.
Cluster them into about 10 related groups.
Name the clusters with names that evoke the grouped strengths for you.
Put these strengths in order with #1 being the strength that is the most important to you.
Articulating Your Strengths

“We need to distill [our strengths] down to something our mind can hold onto.” Jennifer “The more you see patterns [in your strengths] and articulate them, the more natural it will become to do this all the time.”


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