Barb’s Top Ten Strengths

I will use available resources to get the job done and when presented with an obstacle I will adapt and adjust. When working on the quilts I used Excel and Word to magnify the object to use as a pattern. When I ran out of cards and the printer failed me I literally cut and pasted to make replacement cards. I found the putty which had long ago been stored away to firmly secure the frames in place. Reuse package filler as gift wrap and make ribbon from fabric scraps. I appreciate and will use various digital applications to make videos. Managed to figure out how to utilize My Music on the TV in the living room.

Consider basketball box scores to determine player’s strengths and weaknesses. I designed a test to determine which approach to quilting is most preferred and efficient. I am analytical and the opportunity to collect data, study the detail and make meaningful conclusions is just plain fun for me and I believe I am good at it.

Appreciative and engaging
I will speak to strangers, ask if they need help or just to acknowledge that I see them to share a moment. I enjoy my surroundings and will explore the history and background to gain further appreciation. I appreciate the extra effort to accommodate my requests like the time with fabric store. Enjoy the conversation and delight o strangers when I approach them, like the guy sweeping the gutters while I waited at the bus stop. I enjoy sharing the pictures of sun and moon and I am as joyful receiving the same. I fully appreciate the sound of music, the lyrics and singers. I will listen to another’s perspective and respond appropriately without judgement. I will appreciate the good work of others and tell them so.

I am interested in exploring the “internal” and will seek out groups that can provide direction and insight. I forgive myself for mistakes. I will try to follow the advice of Yoga teachers and friends on practices that can lead one to Truth.

I will give full attention to the work taking place, in quilting I will focus on the placement of the needle so that the stitches are evenly spaced as well as cutting the fabric to an exact measurement. In writing postcards I give my full attention to the space between the nib of the pen and the paper. I am aware of my surroundings, when I walk I will notice my fellow pedestrians, buildings and landmarks. I observe the sounds around me and in my head. I am attentive to sensations of tension or panic happening to me and by seeing it for what it is, let it go.

While making pajama bottoms is not the most complicated work I have done, there is some amount of creativity in the selection of fabrics as well as the prospect of making something useful out of whole cloth. I will reframe the problem to produce a solution. I can solve problems, like Wordle, creatively. I see patterns and can solve problems.

Efficient, organized, overcomes obstacles
In my old real job I was a project manager for a number of installations and this has enabled me to use the skills that I acquired to plan and execute a project minimizing cost and time. In the case of writing the postcards I set up the tasks in appropriate order. Testing the layout of the photos and measuring before hammering nails minimizes damage to the wall. I am detailed oriented and organized in preparing the fabric blocks and tip sheet for the cousins’ quilt. I systematically approach problems or obstacles and find solutions. I can face the challenges in a sewing project, like the shower curtain, and complete the task. I will prepare for a situation by collecting necessary documentation. I am persistent as shown with the “notes” border, I will either overcome obstacles or move on past them.

Sense of humor
“Not your grandmother’s quilt,” how funny is that? I enjoy finding humorous articles in the paper and will often share the funny ones with others. I am playful, incorporating fun pictures in the video I made for my granddaughter. I will use humor to diffuse a situation like the story I wove giving life to fabric squares. I will use humor to diffuse a tense situation when appropriate such as dealing with the pharmacy clerk.

Takes action
I will do something that needs to be done. I will raise my voice and speak out. I have attended rallies for various causes, I make phone calls during campaigns and write post cards to get out the vote. When I see an injustice I will write letters. I will make dolls and work with my granddaughters and sell as a part of a bake sale to raise funds for a good cause. I will sometimes remember the advice from the wise and take the appropriate action like I did when hearing the negative thought in my head. I will take a bold action to offer a complement.

Dependable, fulfill commitments
If I agree to do something I will do it, the rare times missed are for cause. Even though I didn’t “feel” like attending the zoom session, I did. Will start and see through the “Cousins’” quilts.

I like to build things, mostly my efforts have been limited to cardboard constructions with my granddaughter and various sewing projects. I enjoy determining where to start and developing the process of adding on, like the Bob Marley quilt and most recently the shower curtain.

Knowing when to stop
This can be difficult without the benefit of a buzzer or time clock but when I exercise this strength I am liberated and relieved. I will forgive myself for errors and move on.