
This section of the website provides many examples to help you with Step 1: articulating positive moments, Step 2: articulating strengths related to positive moments, and Step 4: writing and maintaining a Top Ten strengths list.

Steps 1 and 2 Examples

Use the Examples dropdown menu and choose Positive Moments to see examples of Steps 1 and 2. SfI Practitioner, Barb, introduces herself on that page. She is regularly adding positive moments to this log, so keep checking back. Her positive moments include Step 2 strengths articulations. Positive feelings are in italic and strengths are in bold so you can find them easily.

Step 4 (Top 10 Lists) Examples

Choose Top Ten Lists from the dropdown menu to see examples of Top Ten lists in progress. Top Ten lists are ALWAYS in progress. They do not always need to be neat and tidy. Sometimes we put a vaguely conceived idea there and come back to it later to articulate it more clearly. Our strengths change as we evolve and age.

If you keep checking in, you will be able to watch as Barb’s Top Ten list evolves. When she updates her Top Ten list as a result of a recent positive moment articulation, she will indicate the most recent changes by bolding them. You will also find our [Jerald Forster and Jennifer Rose’s] Top Ten Lists under Top Ten Lists in the dropdown menu.