Advanced SFI-Practice – Lesson 10

Objective: Importance of Positivity

Get motivated to continue your practice and reap the benefits of positivity.

Notes on Practice
Now it’s time to envision how you will practice for the rest of your life. The practice works when you continue to do it. When you stop doing it, you notice the benefits falling away. To recover the benefits, simply go back to doing the practice. It’s that simple.
Reflection Question
What is going to make it hard for you to continue to practice? How can you overcome that? 

We are here to help.
Jennifer Rose
Jerald Forster
Call Jerald Forster at 206-523-2931 to discuss your practice. He can connect you with other practitioners. Being involved with other people is very important. 
Articulating Your Strengths

“It is important to be in the present.” –Jerald

“The practice increases your self-confidence.” –Jennifer

Other Resources

The book has more information about the benefits of the SfI-Practice.

Find examples of other people’s practice and become more motivated.